Tower Fund Capital Due Diligence

Borrower/Entity Required Documents

Corporate Filing Receipt
Must be an original from Department of State
Certificate of Incorporations
Required if filed as a corporation
Article of Organization
Required if filed as an LLC
Required if filed as a corporation
Operating Agreement
Required if filed as an LLC
Corporate Resolution
Required if filed as a corporation
Member Consent
Required if filed as an LLC
Certificate of Good Standing
Required if entity is in existence > 30 days at time of closing
EIN # Certificate
IRS Letter with EIN # must be submitted
W9 Form
Must be filled out in the name of entity and signed
ACH Form
Must be filled out and signed
Copy of Voided Check
Check must be same as the account that is listed on ACH form

Guarantor/Individual Required Documents

Loan Application
1003 Application
Credit Card Form
Authorization for Appraisal Fee
Borrower ID
Driver's License and/or Passport
Social Security Card
Copy of the Card or Loss Affidavit
Credit Report
Must be provided via Lender Link
Personal Financial Statement
All Sections must be filled out and Section “G” in its entirety
Borrower Experience Form
Must list all real estate owned in prior years
REO Schedule
Must list all real estate presently own
Non Primary Use Letter
Must be handwritten as per sample at provided link
Investment Use Letter
Must be handwritten as per sample at provided link

Title Required Searches and Documents

Pro Forma Endorsements
Title Bill
Following must be performed in
County and State of Entity Formation and
for each Guarantor in County and
State of their Primary Residence
NY Standard
Mortgage and Security
Following must be performed in
County and State of Entity Formation and
for each Guarantor in County and
State of their Primary Residence
1-4 Family
Assignment of Leases and
Rents (w/255 affidavit)
Following must be performed in
County and State of Entity Formation and
for each Guarantor in County and
State of their Primary Residence
Waiver of Arbitration
Assignment of Leases and
Rents (w/255 affidavit)
Policy Authentication
UCC (county against individual)
Environmental Lien Protection
Assignment of Mortgage
Environmental Lien Protection
Assignment of Mortgage
Mortgage Recording Tax
Collateral Assignment of
Patriot Act
Mortgage Recording Tax
Collateral Assignment of

Title Required Searches and Documents

Contract of Sale
Must be submitted only on purchases
Must be an AMC Company for SFR and for Mixed-Use and Multifamily Bowery,
CBRE or Cushman and Wakefield
Must be current and signed by all tenants
Income and Expense
Must be completed in its entirety. For vacant properties, an expense part must be filled out
Renovation Budget
Must be submitted on loans only with renovation holdback
Payoff Letter
Must be submitted by all existing lien holders with current pay off date
Property Insurance
Must be for the full amount of the loan amount with a 100% Replacement Cost,
and naming Lender as Mortgagee and Loss Payee, see sample at the link
Insurance Paid Invoice
Must be Paid in Full for 1 year from date of closing
Flood Hazard Determination
Must be submitted only for properties in Flood Zone

For your convenience and to expedite transactions please feel free to use our preferred vendors below
When contacting, please advise that you are placing an order for Tower Fund Capital and they are aware of all necessary items that we require
Property Insurance – If you need assistance to order Insurance you may use our provider for a smother transaction.

Preferred Insurance Company is Premier Insurance Group 718-408-8788 Simon Friedman [email protected]
Title – If you are not sure about ordering Title, you may order Title through our closing attorney
Preferred Title Company is Riverside Abstract 718-215-5133 Tziporah Montrose [email protected]